The new laws

Seeing that i am away from my computer at the moment and i cannot think of what new tracks i’ve gotten i’m stealing this myspace post from my pal John Bourke. It’s after the cut.

New Rave

Seeing that i am away from my computer at the moment and i cannot think of what new tracks i’ve gotten i’m stealing this myspace post from my pal John Bourke. It’s after the cut.

LCD Soundsystem, Mathematicians, Adult.

So, look remedy we all know that the new LCD Soundsystem album “Sound of Silver” was released today. Yep. That’s about all that I have to say about that. This is almost more interesting than the album itself… already there is an unofficial remix album – Nice one “the team behind always outsiders, never […]

Eskimo Disco video

This video isn’t new by far. I think it’s from 2005? I don’t really know. But with that out of the way, it is a pretty nice video. I do not know very much about Eskimo Disco, help but I do know that they do a pretty suave cover of ‘The Final Countdown’! “Eskimo Disco […]

Totally Michael is totally cool

Robot Dance Music is run by this guy. Find us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter: @robotdancemusic We used to be an online radio station, diagnosis now we are a music blog. We talk about music that we enjoy listening to, neat videos, random cat stuff, events, etc We also have a kick ass […]

LCD Soundsystem

I think this week will be video week. I am always late on knowing about videos because I don’t really keep up with them. Was just told that there’s a video for the new LCD Soundsystem single “North American Scum”. I wish it involved more aluminum robots but space men are good too!

New Client video, Klaxons

Back in the day I remember getting a package from Mute Records with two CDs in it, hemorrhoids one of them being the debut release from Client. The other cd has nothing to do with this story (but it was the first T.Raumschmiere cd). That first cd was pretty great. We played it in the […]

Datarock – Fa Fa Fa

I don’t know how I missed posting anything yesterday. Today is another lame post because I slept all day and now I have to go play a party. Here’s a video! I love Datarock. Song is “Fa Fa Fa”

Valentines & Scenario Rock

Coming off a long day at work I get home to find a 12 pack of PBR sitting on my porch. I love valentines. Also found out that Scissors for Lefty has been added to the