Category: News

Internet broken again

Why, adiposity healing oh why??? Our ISP apparently hates us. No telling when it will be back up. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow at least. So this all means the radio is down too. Lame.

The Secret Handshake remix contest

The Glamour! Mayhem from Millwaukee! These two kids are tearing it up lately. They’ve taken over the internet it seems and I hear that they’re changing the state name to Glamouraukee. No, that’s not true. They should though. Dance Revolution! Dance dance? No. Just one dance. The Glamour – Respect The Party [audio:] Speaking of ...

The internet, unbroke.

Radio is back up. Website is faster. Shoryuken Cat saved the day! Take that, broken internetz!!1

The internet broke

You are probably wondering why you can’t connect to the radio and why our website is going extremely slow. Well, while I was out of town all weekend the internet decided to break. Yes, the whole internet. I kid, I kid. Just our internet broke. I think the crazy kitty cat mob broke in to ...

Springfield tonight, Brooklyn tomorrow

John Bourke will be representing Dance Robots, Dance! this year at the Winter Music Conference in Miami, FL. If you see him make sure you give him a big high five! Here are the current events he’s DJing at: saturday mar 24th 11am-5pm earthdance @ the standard resort 40 island ave, miami fl sunday mar ...

Blog news, Shiny Toy Shirts

Just a little announcment. We have a new contributor to the blog. Dylan Mackey! I don’t know what he’ll be contributing but i’m sute it will be contribulicious! Oh, and I just noticed that Hot Topic is selling the Shiny Toy Guns shirts that I designed now. I wonder if they’ll be in the stores ...

DRD! SXSW party tonight!

last night was pretty much amazing. we went to beauty bar in the day and saw mstrkrft.. for free.. drinks.. for free. then went and djed the nylon party with le castle vania, datarock, peter bjorn and john, steve aoki, etc.. and hanson (mm bop) played the after party. not something you see everyday.. tonight ...

NPR may lead fight against Internet radio royalty rate hike

Taken from the Chicago Tribune. Sounds like NPR may be the first to take action against the recent massive increases in the royalties Internet radio stations are obligated to pay to performers of the music they play. The following statement is from National Public Radio’s communication VP Andi Sporkin, and the key sentences outlining action, ...

SXSW, Albums, & Higher Rates, Oh MY!

Things to talk about today. Dance Robots, Dance! is playing some parties at SXSW this year! Here are a couple that I know of off the top of my head & John Bourke from DRD! is opening for IAMX on Friday the 16th @ Old Gallery Lombardi – 910 W. 3rd St. I got the ...